Saturday, April 11, 2015

La primavera

The seasons here are so much more tangible. The phrase 'spring has sprung' is a cliche but it comes to mind. The feeling is palpable. Squirrels going about their business with so much energy. The ducks that I see daily have come to life, no longer snoozing under reeds but swimming vigorously and quacking exuberantly. The air, though still damp, has a sweetness to it and sometimes warmth. 

I had my second exam today. One of four this term. Today was the warmest day so far this year, almost twenty degrees. Cycling through the common field over to college I felt privileged to be here. Fields bathed in sunlight, daffodils nodding at me. To sit for a peaceful hour in the well manicured college garden, with a few bees buzzing happily nearby. The peace at odds with the pace at which I was trying to cram the last few ideas into my head. I wanted to stay out in the garden, not go in to the exam, pretend it wasn't happening. But go in I did. Afterwards, I knocked on a friends door armed with left over Easter treats and we went and sat in the last of the warmth drinking tea and indulging in a few sweet bites. A well earnt break before the next subject looms. 

Now, to work.