Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Summer has come and gone and yet I feel I never really captured that summer spirit. Through June and July I was writing my thesis, confined to the library and my study. There were sunny days, I ate lunches in the college gardens, soaking up warm rays when I could escape to the outdoors. I wished they were lazy days, but word counts called and deadlines loomed so it was never long enough.

Come August and I seemingly had all the time in the world to enjoy the sunshine and warmth, and yet it barely appeared. Many days had patches of sunshine, but never long enough to get outside and 'laze' as I had anticipated myself doing once freed from the thesis deadline. Thankfully, the weekends were mostly beautiful and P and I took to cycling around Cambridge and surrounding villages on newly obtained bikes, as well as tennis on the college courts.

I've spent much of Summer wishing it would arrive, rather than appreciating the time I had to myself. Now Summer has passed, and any sunny warm days are a bonus, unexpected. Perhaps it is an important lesson of moving to a new country; rather than looking for what one is used to, time should be spent appreciating the differences.